Hey Friend,
I’m happy to share some exciting news with you today!
The National Suicide Hotline Designation Act was just passed by the House of Representatives, making it the first LGBTQ-inclusive bill in history to pass through Congress unanimously.
If this bill is signed into law, the government will implement a plan allowing Americans to simply dial ‘9-8-8’ to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, instead of the current ten-digit number. The Lifeline will also offer specialized services for groups at greater risk of suicide — including LGBTQ youth.
The bill is now on its way to the President’s desk for approval before it can become a law.
With your support, we have been working to pass this bill for years, but we still have work to do. We are doing all we can to help the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provide the specialized services needed to address the unique mental health challenges that LGBTQ young people can face. Working with the National Lifeline will allow Trevor to support more of the 1.8 million+ LGBTQ youth in the U.S. who seriously consider suicide each year.
And now, we’re calling on you, our community of dedicated supporters, for your help. Will you join us to support more LGBTQ youth in crisis than ever before? With your donation, we can continue to expand our crisis services to make sure that every LGBTQ young person in the U.S. knows that they are never alone.