With Katie Cristol, her son, and Erik Gutshall. 

On Tuesday, my nephew started high school. When he texted me back after his first day, I thought about his future. Am I doing everything I can to keep him safe?  Help him have a wonderful life?

What about Arlington? Am I doing all I can? Are we doing all we can to make sure Katie's son, pictured above, thrives? Erik's daughters? Your children? Grandchildren?

For me, the answer is not yet. Not until we we change Virginia law with common sense gun safety, the ERA, action to combat climate change, and a living wage. No, not yet.  
Click here tonight after dinner or tomorrow!!! Just 2 days

Because of you, I know we can do this. Because of you, we can raise the $743 we need tonight or tomorrow to hit our goal.

Every little bit helps. I promise. How do I know? In 2017, we lost control of the Virginia General Assembly by 1 vote. Let's not do that again. Ever.

Please chip in now-- we need $743 to finish this
Please click above, come to the event or support it, and help deliver the future we need.


Uncle Matt
Matt for Arlington
Matt for County Board
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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Matt for Arlington · 2001 15th St N Apt 506 · Arlington, VA 22201-2693 · USA