Sen. Susan Collins could have blocked Brett Kavanaugh from being on the Supreme Court. She pretended to be moderate and then voted with right-wing extremists. As we mourn RBG, some important news:
The Hill: Susan Collins trailing by 5 points in new Maine poll
CNN: Polls show Susan Collins below 50% support in Maine
ABC News, Maine: Ginsburg death magnifies SCOTUS role in Collins, Gideon Senate race
The Boston Globe says it's "almost impossible for Democrats" to win the Senate "without winning Maine." Can you donate $5 or more to challenger Sara Gideon right now? (You can also donate weekly until November 3.)
Susan Collins is an enabler of Mitch McConnell.
Her opponent, Sara Gideon, is Speaker of the Maine House. She's known as one of the most progressive Senate candidates in the country -- railing against big Pharma, big corporations, special interests, and Mitch McConnell's corruption of our democracy.
This is "expected to be the most expensive race in state history," according to the Boston Globe. Gideon needs our help to defeat Collins and honor RBG by flipping this key seat. Can you chip in today? (Or make it weekly.)
Thank you for doing your part to save our democracy and honor RBG.
-- The PCCC Elections Team
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