RBG: "That's the dissenter's hope:
that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow."

"That's the dissenter's
hope: that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow." —
Friend –
In Jewish tradition, a person who passes on Rosh Hashanah is a
tzaddik, a righteous person. We begin this new year of 5781 mourning
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
RBG lived the Jewish call to pursue justice,
making it possible for so many people to live free, full lives. She
was only the second woman and first Jewish woman to serve on the
Supreme Court, after decades of work leading the legal fight for
gender equity in the courts.
In her honor, we dissent against any effort to fill this
Supreme Court seat until a new government is sworn in. In her
honor, we dissent against any effort to undermine justice and erode
civil rights.
the Arc is launching a pledge called We Dissent to honor the memory of
Justice Ginsburg. Add your name here.
The pledge says:
We honor the legacy of Ruth Bader
Ginsburg by pledging with all our righteous fury to continue the fight
for equality and dignity.
In a functioning democracy the security
of the rights of millions of women, immigrants, and people of color
would not rest on the shoulders of one woman, no matter how
strong. On her shoulders, we rise and we dissent.
But most of all we dissent against
despair. We dissent against fear. We have the power to build a country
for all of us. It's going to take everything we have. It's going to
take all our faith. In RBG’s memory we rise up as one with all
our might.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already made his
position clear: he and President Trump are planning to name a new
Supreme Court justice with just 43 days to the election. It’s blatant
hypocrisy from the same party that refused to hold hearings for
President Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, in 2016.
Now, it’s up to us to dissent. We dissent against
the tyranny of minority rule where one political party will say and do
anything to try to hold on to power. We dissent against a system where
five out of nine Supreme Court seats could be filled by presidents who
lost the popular vote. We dissent against a system where the Senate
majority represents less than half of the population. We dissent
against a system where our rights and our democracy are under
dissent. Take the pledge to rise up and fight for a true multiracial
democracy now.
When you sign the pledge, you’ll get plugged in to efforts to
contact Jewish swing voters in key states that could help determine
the election and the balance of power in the Senate. You’ll have the
opportunity to donate to hold politicians who are threats to our
democracy accountable. And you’ll be joining thousands of Jews and
allies across the country mobilizing for a multiracial democracy that
truly represents and protects all of us.
May the memory of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg be a
blessing. And a revolution.
your name to the We Dissent pledge in honor of RBG.
In solidarity,
Stosh Cotler CEO, Bend the Arc