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This month we have received overwhelming support from local communities across the country!
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This month we have received overwhelming support from local communities across the country! Your help during these past few weeks has been incredible!    

Can you help us keep the momentum going?

This is the time when it matters. Every time you donate, volunteer, or spread our message, we get one step closer to achieving our goal this November. With your help we will be able to protect our majority in the Senate, ensure our conservative values are represented, and most importantly continue doing good work for the American people.    

That is what we are fighting for, and together we will reach victory.

As we get closer to the election we need to keep our energy going. The Democrats are hoping for an easy fight. With four seats standing in the way of them taking our Senate majority they are throwing everything they’ve got into our opponents’ campaigns.

BUT -- we are not going down without a fight.

Will you join us in supporting conservative candidates who will help us reach our goals and better our future?

Pitch in $250

Pitch in $100

Pitch in $50

Pitch in $25

These next couple months are not going to be easy. But after seeing the swell of support during these past few weeks, we know we are going to have the momentum we need to cross the finish line in November.

Thank you for your continued support. Your help is what keeps us going and fighting the good fight!

To victory,

Team Toomey

Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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PO Box 220 
Orefield, PA 18096