America has lost one of the greatest jurists in our nation’s history—a consistent, unshakable champion of civil and women’s rights and the freedom to form a union.
But we also are mourning 200,000 people who have died in the United States due to COVID-19. And we are still facing a public health pandemic, an economic catastrophe and the underlying cancer of systemic racism.
The HEROES Act has been sitting on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s desk for 129 days. Justice Ginsburg’s seat has been vacant for three. Which should the Senate get to work on now?
This is a moment for HEROES, not hypocrisy. The Senate can’t throw up its hands when it comes to COVID-19 relief, yet vow to do whatever it takes to fast-track a new Supreme Court nomination—especially when it refused to even grant a hearing for President Obama's nominee eight months before the election.
Tell your senators to make passing the HEROES Act their first priority.
In Solidarity,