Hello —

I need to ask you to make an emergency contribution in a few moments to help flip Colorado’s Senate seat. I hope you can spare a very quick second to let me explain why this request is so important, especially now that the Supreme Court is literally on the line.

As you surely know, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are rushing to appoint a likely ultra-right Supreme Court nominee who will reverse Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy of justice and equality.

And my opponent, Republican Senator Cory Gardner, has refused to say whether or not he intends to help them!

This morning, however, Trump gave the game away by saying Gardner is “loyal to the party” and he thinks this Supreme Court fight will help our opponent win re-election.

Trust me when I say this, Trump is making the smart bet here. Gardner always backs Trump and McConnell. On health care. On Kavanaugh. On virtually a million other issues. We must win this race and flip this Senate seat in November. Gardner’s selling out has to stop.

I am asking you to make an emergency donation of any amount today to help us defeat Cory Gardner and end Mitch McConnell’s Senate majority for good. The stakes are too high to fall short and our race is really close right now. Chip in here:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for all you do.

— John