
I have great news to share: we defeated another crazy bill in the CA Legislature this week!

Back in July, I held a press conference about a big report called “California Cities Face Rat Infestation” — a problem due to the homeless epidemic. We got national news attention, and over 80,000 signed our petition demanding the legislature drop its consideration of AB 1788 — legislation pushed by enviro extremists and liberals which would have imposed a ban on the use of rodenticides (rat poison) to control the rats.

I’m pleased to share with you that AB 1788 is now dead — killed by our rat report trap! You can add this win to our other wins this cycle so far (e.g. defeating the Drinking Water Tax, blocking the raid on road funds, and more)

We’re only getting started!! When I win this Congressional seat with your help, I will then be able to use the resources of my office to launch investigations, file legal actions, issue reports like this one on rats, and be the voice of opposition to the crazy socialist policies in California.

But first I need to win this seat — and we need the resources to wage campaigns like the one against AB 1788!

To do that, I absolutely need to continue to raise funds for our campaign. We simply CANNOT lose momentum or Democrats will take that as a sign of weakness. Can you contribute anything today?


I need your help to be your go-to fighter in California!

With appreciation,


PS: Our win against AB 1788 proves the whole point behind my campaign: We CAN win in California — but ONLY if we FIGHT! We certainly won’t win all fights at this point, but we will win some and the entire movement will flip more seats from blue to red! Do what you can by contributing here today!