While the RADICAL Democrats and the Fake News media play politics with the Coronavirus, OUR President is doing whatever it takes to KEEP AMERICA SAFE.
Under President Trump, we will return to our unprecedented prosperity.
The Trump campaign released a new ad highlighting President Trump as the Jobs President.
In August:
1.4 million jobs were added back to the economy and the unemployment number dropped.
The women’s unemployment rate decreased by 2%.
The Black unemployment rate dropped 1.6%.
The Hispanic American unemployment rate dropped 2.4%.
The Asian American unemployment rate dropped 1.3%
In the past 4 months, more than 10 million jobs have been added to the economy – nearly half the jobs lost during the global pandemic.
President Trump’s efforts to protect American workers and businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic have clearly worked.
Operation Warp Speed is close to delivering a Coronavirus vaccine, which will further help reopen the economy.
Joe Biden would be the worst person to put in charge of the economy. It would immediately collapse under Biden and the Democrats.
As Vice President, Biden presided over the worst recovery since the Great Depression.
The September Official Trump Approval Poll will be LIVE for the NEXT 24 HOURS. Make sure to submit your response as soon as possible.
EMAIL: [email protected]
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0033i000002vY6oAAE
Your input is CRITICAL, friend. We are less than 45 DAYS from the most historic election of our lifetime, and we are counting on all PATRIOTS to help us claim victory this November.
Thank you,
Team Trump CA