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News from CPAG

Child benefit needs a boost

With many children going back to school this month, families have faced significant extra costs - from new uniforms to stationery and other items that can no longer be shared because of COVID-19. Dave Bradley from our Cost of the School Day team has blogged on what the return to school means for low-income families. Read Dave's blog

Children have made huge sacrifices during the pandemic. And many families are facing financial instability, uncertainty and hardship. It's right that we are supporting children to have good childhoods, so we're calling for an increase in child benefit of £10 a week.

Child benefit has lost 23 per cent of its value in the past ten years. Our recent poll shows that parents are increasingly having to use it to cover utility bills and other bottom-line household costs meaning that there is less available for the things that children need. Read more about the poll.

Poverty in the pandemic

“I went round Lidl with a list and a calculator to try and get everything I possibly could at the lowest possible price. It has just meant worry and stress and anxiety because ultimately, I think if you’re presented with a tough situation, as long as you can see a light at the end of the tunnel it gives you strength to move forwards. We haven’t had that. In terms of financial impact, it’s meant absolutely counting every penny.”
Claire, mother of two children

We spoke to Claire as part of our Poverty in the pandemic report with the Church of England. Of the low-income familes who were part of the research, eight in 10 said they were financially worse off as a result of the pandemic. 48 per cent have a new or worse debt problem. It doesn’t have to be this way, so we are campaigning for more support for families to help them through these difficult times.

 Read the report 

Don't Zap the Zip!

We continue to campaign to keep London transport free for all under 18s. Our research found that 79 per cent of 11-18 year olds consider their Zip card ‘very important’. Fifty eight per cent surveyed would be worried that they would have trouble paying public transport fares if they were unable to travel on public transport for free in London.

 Find out more 

Coronavirus - Mind the Gaps

We've been publishing regular briefings on the problems advisers are seeing in the social security system at this time. We've now written a blog to give an overview of what we've found. 

 Read the blog 

2021 London Marathon place up for grabs

We are pleased to share that we have a place in the 2021 London Marathon next October. If you fancy taking on the challenge for CPAG, please email Alice on [email protected] for details.

Remember A Charity Week

Last week CPAG took part in Remember A Charity Week. The week aims to increase awareness for the incredible difference a gift included in your will can have for the long-term work of charities — like CPAG.

Ruth and Gaynor kindly shared why they are remembering CPAG in their wills. We also shared the impact gifts left to CPAG have had over the years – helping our fight to end child poverty.

Thank you to everyone who has left, or plans to leave, a gift to us. Find out more here: cpag.org.uk/giftinwill


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