Dear John -

One of the Core Values of Citizens' Climate Lobby is nonpartisanship. Our group is open to all who are serious about solving climate change. You are welcome no matter where you live, what you wear, what you do for a living, or who you voted for in the last election. We believe in the strength of bipartisan solutions.

The DC chapter's Conservative Outreach team is partnering with CCL ally Braver Angels to host a watch party for their documentary Reuniting America. Braver Angels brings together Red and Blue Americans in an alliance to depolarize America.

Please share this event widely. We encourage you to send invitations to family and friends, and we would especially welcome any attendees who lean conservative to this documentary watch event. The documentary will be followed by a panel discussion led by both conservatives and liberals.
RSVP for Braver Angels: Reuniting America
Watch the trailer at  password: angels

Wednesday, September 23, 7:00-8:45pm EDT


Braver Angels: Reuniting America

Documentary Watch and Discussion


Please join Braver Angels and CCL DC on Wednesday September 23rd, 7:00-8:45PM EDT for a movie night to watch and discuss Braver Angels: Reuniting America, a 50-minute documentary about what happened before, during and after a Braver Angels Red/Blue workshop in Waynesville, Ohio.

A 50-minute screening of the film will be followed by a Q&A with personalities from Braver Angels and CCL. This is a great opportunity to understand perspectives on different sides of the political spectrum and to understand how everyone can work together to make a difference against polarization and climate change!

What: CCL Braver Angels Documentary Watch and Discussion
When: Wednesday, September 23, 7:00-8:45pm EDT 


We've got a busy week of actions and activities! Choose your own adventure and join us for outreach to environmental voters, bipartisan outreach, book club discussion, development and lobby strategies, and more. See all upcoming events and RSVP to internal meetings organized by the DC Chapter and chapter teams on our chapter's Community event page at
Need more details on CCL? Learn more here: or sign up for our intro call
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