, I'm excited to share the latest from CRC with you:
Do teachers unions really have the leverage they claim? ([link removed]
Governors and local officials have essentially allowed teachers unions to conduct a mass "sick out," keeping schools closed and families in lockdown. While political leaders have dithered, capitulated, or pandered, many parents are finding alternatives to public schools. Could parents break the teachers unions strike, much like President Reagan broke the air traffic controllers strike in 1981? CRC's Michael Watson examines the possibilities here. ([link removed]
Will Florida turn blue? ([link removed]
The New Florida Majority is an advocacy and voter mobilization group that aims to "create an inclusive multiracial, multilingual and multicultural movement" to seize Florida from Republicans, to control both the state government and the state's electoral votes. Yet while the New Florida Majority bills itself as a mainstream social justice group, its leaders have radical backgrounds. CRC's Shane Devine investigates here ([link removed]
Are there white supremacists under the bed? ([link removed]
Global warmers' latest crusade is targeting "white supremacy everywhere," starting with "the underlying systems of extraction, segregation, and racist inequality" in American history, law enforcement, and the prison system. The Sunrise Movement has been at the forefront of infusing the environmental movement with this "climate justice" ideology. CRC's Hayden Ludwig looks at the tyrannical implications here ([link removed]
What is the Left's dirty little money secret? ([link removed]
The Left's hypocrisy is showing. Leftist groups and Democratic candidates have heavily criticized Republicans' use of super PACs. In 2018, the left-leaning Brennan Center for Justice wrung its hands over the possibility that Democrats might begin to embrace super PACs in the 2020 election. Not to worry, Democrats have long embraced super PACs, they just didn't admit it. CRC's Sarah Lee calls out the hypocrisy here ([link removed]
Featured Video
What Is the Lincoln Project? ([link removed] Hayden Ludwig examines the Lincoln Project: this nominal Republican group’s ideological agenda, its strategy to defeat Trump, and its funding sources. Watch the 2-minute video ([link removed]
InfluenceWatch Podcast 136
Ford Foundation and the Radical Left (with guest Sloan Rachmuth!) ([link removed] this episode ([link removed] we continue to cover the actions of Big Philanthropy. For most of the modern history of philanthropy there has been no bigger force than the Ford Foundation, established by the reliably capitalist Henry Ford but turned since the 1950s to the hard-left under leaders from Robert Maynard Hutchins to McGeorge Bundy to current president Darren Walker. Today I’m joined by Sloan Rachmuth, executive director of Pen and Shield Media, to discuss the Ford Foundation’s recent activities powering the rise of the radical Left, the history of the Ford Foundation, and what should be done about Big Philanthropy.Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher. ([link removed] ([link removed] ([link removed]
As always, I welcome your thoughts on how we can better serve our mission of exposing the Left's activists and donors. E-mail me at SWalter@CapitalResearch.org, or call me at 202.464.2044.Best wishes,Scott Walter, President ([link removed] ([link removed]
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