
The gun lobby is determined to use the COVID-19 pandemic and Gov. Wolf’s actions to protect us as an excuse to undermine our long-term safety. 

HB 2440 classifies gun-related businesses as “life-sustaining”.¹ You almost want to laugh at the absurdity of that statement, but the consequences are not funny. It is so absurd, you almost want to laugh. If passed, the government could not shut down these businesses for any reason--even if they sell guns illegally or fail to renew their business licenses. Courts couldn’t evict them for failing to pay rent. Fire marshalls couldn’t shut them down for code violations.

Hospitals, supermarkets, and restaurants would have to follow more laws.

Tell your Senator there is nothing life-sustaining about gun business. They should at least have to follow the same laws as any other business. 

This is a special rule that sets gun-related businesses above every other company in the state. And it might pass with everyone focused on the school challenges, the economy and the COVID-19 public health crisis.

I need you to make it clear that if this passes, the ongoing public health epidemic of gun violence will only get worse. It’s a power grab while thousands of Pennsyvlanians have died from the virus.

Email your senator now. Tell them to oppose this shameless legislation!


Adam Garber
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Executive Director

¹PA General Assembly

P.O. Box 60095
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
[email protected]

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