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Good morning and welcome to National Clean Energy Week 2020! NCEW Policy Makers Symposium is going virtual and expanding its programming all week long, and that starts TODAY at 10:15 AM Easter Time.

Be sure to follow us @NCEWConf on Twitter for updates and highlights, and if you would like to join us and haven’t done so already and, you can register here.

Today’s events examine energy innovation and the different roles played by local/state/federal governments and the private sector. The schedule with participants and panel descriptions is below, and you can view the entire week’s schedule here.

10:15 - 10:30 AM ET
Deputy Secretary Mark Menezes, U.S. Department of Energy

  • Introduction: Heather Reams, Chair, National Clean Energy Week
10:30 - 11:00 AM ET
Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY), Subcommittee Chair, Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee, House Energy and Commerce Committee

11:15 - 12:15 PM ET
The Fight for States' Rights and Net Metering
A broad coalition of advocates, state policymakers, and energy industry leaders successfully defeated a petition over the summer asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to remove control of net metering from state jurisdiction. While the petition failed, the experience serves as a case study to discuss the larger issues of federalism and states’ rights at stake with energy policy.
  • Ted Thomas | Arkansas Public Service Commissioner
  • Tyson Grinstead | Director, Public Policy, Sunrun
  • Sean Gallagher | Vice President, State Affairs, Solar Energy Industries Association
  • Jason Shaw | Commissioner, Georgia Public Service Commission
  • MODERATOR: Brittany Zwierzchowski Tisler | Chief Operating Officer, Conservative Energy Network
1:00 - 1:30 PM ET
Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL), Member, House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

1:30 - 2:30 PM ET
Clean Energy’s Secret Weapon: American Innovation
American innovation has reshaped the world while overcoming the most daunting challenges imaginable. This is in large part thanks to two core features of our innovation landscape: a hands-off regulatory approach that doesn’t require permission to build the future, and a market-oriented approach the focuses on complementary roles for the private sector, federal and state government, academia, and philanthropy. This panel will focus on policies to incentivize clean energy innovation, and how federal policy makers can build on significant progress made to further support technological innovation, and the mechanisms that can help better support cutting edge research and development.
  • Kristin Barbato | CEO & Founder, Build Edison
  • Marty Durbin | President, Global Energy Institute, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  • Jeremy Harrell | Managing Director, ClearPath
  • Hemai Parthasarathy | Scientific Director, Breakout Labs
  • MODERATOR: Taite McDonald | Partner, Holland & Knight
2:30 - 3:00 PM ET
Conner Prochaska | Chief Commercialization Officer and Director, Office of Technology Transitions, U.S. Department of Energy

4:00 - 5:15 PM ET
Survive, Thrive, or Die? The Road Ahead for Clean Energy Finance and Investment
Private capital has long played an important role in moving America’s basic research and development beyond the lab and into the marketplace as game-changing innovations. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic fallout are rebalancing the investment landscape even as we speak. In this panel, speakers will address the status of private capital investment for clean energy.  Discussion will focus on current trends and anticipated needs to boost public and private investment, as well as the policies that promise to return fast growth on clean energy investments and position the U.S. as an exporter of clean and advanced technologies.
  • Jeff Eckel | President, CEO & Chairman, Hannon Armstrong
  • Melanie Nakagawa | Director of Climate Strategy, Princeville Capital
  • John Miller | Vice President & ESG Senior Research Analyst, Calvert Research and Management
  • Shayle Kann | Managing Director, Energy Impact Partners
  • MODERATOR: Jon Powers | Co-founder & President, Clean Capital

Check Out These Additional Events from Our Partners!

Conservatives for Clean Energy Georgia will present a new video clip interview every day from energy policy makers, state executive leaders, and innovative technology leaders like The Ray in West Georgia. They will be highlighting the tremendous work that has gone into making Georgia one of the top 10 solar producers in the nation. You will hear from Georgia PSC Commissioners Bubba McDonald & Tim Echols on how Georgia's solar journey started and where it is headed. Georgia Economic Development Commissioner Pat Wilson will discuss the massive economic impact of the solar industry. Senator Randy Robertson will give an update on clean energy at the Capitol, and The Ray's Allie Kelly will talk about the latest in clean energy technology and innovation.

The Wisconsin Energy Institute has excellent programming every for kids and adults alike every day of National Clean Energy Week, including Bingo and a coloring page, an “Energy Transitions Workshop” and more.


We'd be nothing without our friends. Thank you to all of NCEW20's sponsors!





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