EU Weekly

Migration | Belarus | EUCO

Today, the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee is joined by exiled Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, to discuss the latest developments in her country. Moreover, the Parliament’s four new committees will elect their chairs and vice-chairs. 

Facing increasing pressure, the European Commission will unveil its New Pact on Migration and Asylum already this Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, EU leaders meet for a Special European Council summit focusing on the single market, industrial policy and digital transformation, as well as external relations. 

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European Parliament

Kicking off a week of Committee meetings, MEPs of the Foreign Affairs Committee will adopt recommendations on how the EU should reassess its relations with Belarus on Monday. On Thursday, Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas and Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson will present the new policy on asylum and migration to MEPs in the Civil Liberties Committee. The Special Committees on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the EU, on artificial intelligence and the digital transformation, the Special Committee on beating cancer, the Subcommittee on taxation and the Committee of inquiry on animal transport will hold their constitutive meetings and elect their chairs and vice-chairs.

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European Commission

On Monday, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will hold a video conference with David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in her capacity as rotating Presidency of the Council. On Wednesday, the Commission will be presenting its new pact on Migration and Asylum on Wednesday. Moreover, the College agenda Action Plan on the Capital Markets Union and the Digital Finance package. The launch of the 2020 Annual Rule of Law Report is still to be confirmed. 

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European Council

A Special European Council will be held on Thursday and Friday, giving leaders an opportunity to discuss the single market, industrial policy and digital transformation. Moreover, amid mounting tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, the summit will also address external relations, in particular relations with Turkey and with China. The high-level meeting will also be an opportunity to take stock of the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic across Member States.

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