We're identifying every candidate who will uphold and protect Ruth Bader Ginsburg's legacy.
On Friday, we lost a titan of gender justice and a heroine of reproductive freedom in Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Within two hours of her passing, Mitch McConnell announced that he will try to fill her vacancy with an antichoice justice as soon as possible.
She spent a lifetime fighting for what's right, even issuing opinions from a hospital bed and speaking out against attacks on contraception and birth control just weeks ago.
The best way to stop a conservative Supreme Court from overturning Roe v Wade is to stop anti-choice laws from passing in our local and state governments.
That's why we've identified every prochoice candidate running for every office on the ballot in all 75,000 races.
We have six weeks to save our reproductive rights and our democracy.
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik
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