Hi John,

Tomorrow's public meeting, 5.15pm at St Paul's Church, is confirmed. 

Doors open at 4.45pm.

Transport is a huge local issue. As well as saving our airport we need to:

  • Continue commuter rail to Ōtaki and then on to Levin,
  • Build a proper interchange at Peka Peka, and
  • Build the expressway to Levin as fast as possible.

I have fought hard to get these projects prioritised by National, and I'm proud that we are the only party who have committed to all of these in the next three years. More details here.

Health is another huge issue, but I'll save that for the next email update, or read more here

Invitation to meet with Paul Goldsmith

We are in the middle of the biggest economic downturn in 160 years. We were heading for a recession before Covid came along, now we are heading into the worst one in living memory.

Unemployment figures are high - approx 220,000 people on the unemployment benefit, and another 100,000 people will shortly join them.

National has a plan to fix this, including our short-term tax cuts and packages like JobStart. We want to target our support to protect and create jobs and stimulate the economy by putting a few more dollars in your back pocket. Labour are proposing more holidays and employment rules that act as a barrier to job creation.

Come and hear Paul Goldsmith speak about this, ask your questions, and judge for yourself. 

1pm, Tuesday October 6th, Otaihanga.

RSVP essential.

Can't make it for lunch? Join us for a beer after work.

Join Goldie and I for a beer after work at Longbeach from 4.30pm on Tuesday October 6th. Details here.

Join Nicola Willis as we fix our schools

I'm passionate about education. I'm not a teacher, but I come from a family of teachers and in the Air Force I taught in the classroom and in the air. I've chaired the school board and like you I care about how my kids are doing at school. It bothers me that in our electorate we have leaking classroom roofs, uninhabitable toilets needing to be used, over-populated classrooms and run-down facilities. Successive governments can fight over the blame, but National are going to fix it.

Join Nicola Willis and I as we share National's plan to spend $4.8bn on our classrooms, reduce class sizes, and increase both teachers and teacher aide hours.

Thursday October 1st, in Levin and Waikanae. 

RSVP here for details.


Early voting starts in two weeks. If you can give me a hand for one hour by helping me hold a sign on the side of the road, or do some data entry at home, I'd love you to reply and let me know.

Thanks for your support, and I hope to see you tomorrow at the meeting. 

Kind regards,

Tim Costley

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