![]() Patriot, Feinstein’s gun ban. National gun registration and outright confiscation. Mandatory “buy-backs.” Gun licensing schemes. All of that and more is on the table and being discussed in Washington, D.C. right now. And if those of us who want to preserve and protect the Constitution don’t stand up to stop them, each of those items at the top of the Gun Control Lobby’s agenda and more could become law. That’s why I’m asking patriots like you to step up and fund our “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” targeting key U.S. Senators whose vote will be critical when these gun control schemes come to the floor for a vote. I have until September 9 to raise $145,629 to fully fund Phase One of this program. And the initial response from Campaign for Liberty’s members and supporters across the country has got us off to a strong start. But I can’t do it without you. Campaign for Liberty has never been funded by deep-pocketed special interests like the Gun Control Lobby. We don't have billionaire backers like Michael Bloomberg and George Soros -- who dump millions of dollars into pushing radical gun control schemes that would shred the Constitution and threaten the very foundations of this country. We rely solely on the generosity and commitment of our members and supporters for everything we do, like running these targeted Internet ads to create a tidal wave of petitions demanding key U.S. Senators defend the Second Amendment. Some people can afford to pitch in $237, $143, or even $82. And if you can, I hope you’ll agree to do so right away. For others, a generous gift of $19, $37, or even $61 may be a real stretch, but each and every dollar from each and every contributor – no matter the amount – is just as vital to our efforts. Since I first asked Campaign for Liberty’s members and supporters to pitch in and help launch our Phase One of our “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” the average contribution has been just over $43. If that trend holds, it means I’ll need at least 3,387 patriots across the country to step up and pitch in to fully fund Phase One of our “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz.” Will you answer the call and be one of them today? For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman |