Dear Fellow Patriot, While the political world and all the pundits focus on the upcoming election and the overblown coronavirus outbreak, the pending financial fallout is being swept under the rug yet again. Debt is the real pandemic. And it’s spreading very quickly. Anyone who is paying attention to what the Federal Reserve is
saying publicly about interest rates and the dollar should be just as alarmed as I am. Unfortunately, the pattern of conservatives going along
with massive deficit spending when a Republican is in the White House is certainly holding true since President Trump took office. The coronavirus
“emergency” has given Congress and the president every excuse they think is needed to ram through bailout after bailout to compensate for
the “Government Mandated Depression” that came with the business lockdowns. Sadly, the majority of Republicans are no different than the
big spending, big government Democrats when it comes to debt. Someone has to be held responsible and it starts with auditing the
Federal Reserve. You may remember how many deficit hawks there were among the Republicans in Congress when Barack Obama was president. Where
have they all gone? Perhaps they’re listening to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin who told CNBC this week, “Now is not the time to
worry about federal deficits.” If not now, then when? Congress was already running way in the red on spending before coronavirus and
now it’s completely off the charts, with no plan to rein it back in. I’m worried the public is being lulled to sleep at the worst possible time. Six TRILLION dollars in new deficit spending would
never be possible without the irresponsible monetary policy. And now they’re coming right out and telling us they have no plans
to raise interest rates above ZERO until 2023! They’re making it very clear for the public and the financial markets -- get ready for even more wealth
destruction from inflation, just when many Americans can afford it the least. What they never tell you is that federal spending takes real dollars out of the free market and puts them in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats. I'm worried that they’re willing to sacrifice the dollar’s
role as the world’s reserve currency just to take advantage of the public’s inattention during a now 7-month long (and counting) health
“emergency.” I think it’s time we put a stop to the madness of the monetary policy coming from Chairman Jerome Powell and the
Federal Reserve. In their 107-year history, they have not had a full audit despite the fact that nearly 80% of the American public is now in favor of
it. The Fed must be brought to heel before every last shred of American wealth is wiped out. The Federal Reserve’s apologists in Congress won't lift a finger
as the Fed's reckless policies totally destroy the American way of life. It’s time to Audit the Fed so we can stop them
before they destroy the dollar once and for all. I believe you and I can force this issue front-and-center and show Congress they'll be in for a rude awakening this November if they fail to take serious action to open the books and bring the Fed's madness to a halt. Campaign for Liberty and our hard-working activists are more than up for this fight I need your help to overcome the distractions of this election year and break through the noise of the coronavirus hype. Congress MUST take action and prevent a
scenario worse than 2008. They'd rather bail out their buddies and sweep it all under the rug again -- you and I can't let them get away with it! For Liberty, Chairman |