Here’s the latest in the Supreme Court fight, folks —

  • Mitch McConnell is moving at the speed of light to help Trump install another far-right Supreme Court nominee who will likely attack our fundamental rights, strike down the Affordable Care Act, and overturn Roe v. Wade.

  • Trump urged the Senate to push through a nominee "without delay" and plans to announce his selection this week.

  • Our Republican opponent, Cory Gardner, has dodged five questions on Trump and McConnell’s desperate attempt to rush through a Supreme Court nominee weeks before an election — following McConnell’s order to stay silent on this issue.

Coloradans deserve better than Cory Gardner who time and again has refused to stand up to Trump and McConnell. That’s why we must flip this seat and take back our government in November:

Rush an urgent donation of $10 or more right now to help John Hickenlooper defeat Cory Gardner and put Democrats one step closer to taking back the Senate and saving the Supreme Court. The stakes are very high right now and we need your help to win:

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Thanks for stepping up.

— Team Hick