Why do some people think it will be mandatory for folks to get new COVID-19 vaccines?

Is Bob Sears going to tell his families to say no to a COVID-19 vaccine that isn't mandated?
Is Bob Sears going to tell his families to say no to a COVID-19 vaccine that isn't mandated?

The usual suspects...

Will COVID-19 Vaccines Be Mandatory?

Although it is not surprising that Bob Sears and Robert F Kennedy, Jr would say no to mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, you have to wonder what exactly they mean by mandatory.

Are they talking about a vaccine mandate for the COVID-19, in which some people are required to be vaccinated if they want to travel, go to school, or go to work, etc., as part of the requirements of a specific country, state, or employer?

"What will you do when someone shows up at your door to vaccinate you or your children? We say “No!”. Will you consent — or refuse? If your employer, school or government can bully you into vaccinating, what’s next? More forced medicine? More forced tracking? All for the greater good??"

Community and World United, We Say No!

Or, as these folks often do, are they talking about forced vaccination?

Of course, no one is going to force you to get vaccinated or vaccinate your kids without your consent.

There are no plans for forced vaccination, just as there aren't FEMA camps to quarantine kids who are sick with COVID-19.

Not only will there not be any forced vaccinations, which should go without saying, there also likely won't be any plans for general mandates for new COVID-19 vaccines, in which there is a requirement for everyone to be vaccinated.

"I don’t think you will ever see mandating of a vaccine particularly for the general public. If someone refuses the vaccine in the general public you cannot force someone to take it."

Anthony Fauci

Anyway, how can you mandate a vaccine that won't be widely available for some time?

Will COVID-19 Vaccines Be Necessary?

Even while they might not become mandatory, it should be very clear that COVID-19 vaccines will be necessary to help stop the pandemic.

A pandemic that has already killed 948,000 people worldwide (all ages), including 198,000 people in the United States (all ages), and over 100 children in the United States.

Is it right that Kennedy pushes this kind of misinformation and propaganda about vaccines during a pandemic?
Is it right that Kennedy pushes this kind of misinformation and propaganda about vaccines during a pandemic?

Just as it is clear that allowing these folks to mislead you away from vaccinating and protecting your kids is actually taking away your right to informed consent.

Don't believe them.

When finally approved and available, COVID-19 vaccines will be safe and effective, and again, very necessary. Don't let people like Bob Sears and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr scare you away from getting vaccinated and protected.

More on Vaccine Mandates