The election is around the corner, and our right to vote safely – the backbone of our democracy – is at risk like never before.
With misinformation campaigns and political corruption on the rise, it’s harder than ever to know what you can do to protect safe elections this November.
That’s why today we’re launching a brand new tool laying out the most meaningful actions that you can take to help Save the Vote this fall.
Get started by making your personalized plan to Save the Vote. Making your plan just takes a few seconds – and when you’re done, we’ll send it directly to your inbox for you to get started.

I can promise you that Wonder Woman, Spiderman, and Batman aren’t coming to save the day and protect our Republic. It’s up to us.
But here’s the good news: You can be a hero and help save democracy this election season whether you’ve got a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days to help Save the Vote.
Because being a hero this fall doesn’t mean rescuing puppies from a tree or patrolling the streets in a costume. Against the current threats to our Republic, being a hero looks like making sure your friends and family can vote safely, volunteering (online or safely in-person), and doing what you can to combat misinformation.
What’s most important is that none of us are bystanders doing nothing while more and more Americans lose trust in our democracy.1 If each of us makes a plan and takes action this fall, we can Save the Vote and be the heroes our country needs.
Make your personalized plan to Save the Vote right now, and let’s get to work saving our country.
Thank you for helping Save the Vote.
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs
1. Poll: Most Americans are not confident the 2020 election will be conducted fairly