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Weekend Edition, September 19-20, 2020
Democrats’ Day of Infamy: The Pernicious Influence of Multiculturalism ([link removed])
Vasko Kohlmayer
** The Political Business Cycle in Reverse ([link removed])
Thomas DiLorenzo
** Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants ([link removed])
Gary D. Barnett
** Time for a Mercy Killing at the Eccles Building ([link removed])
David Stockman
** Even Whitmer’s Mask Edicts Have Loopholes ([link removed])
Allan Stevo
** Shock: Harvard Prof Talks Sense About Lockdowns and Virus ([link removed])
Tom Woods
** Will a Military Coup Undo the November Elections, Donald Trump, and the Republic Itself? ([link removed])
Matthew J.L. Ehret
** Bringing a Bazooka to a Knife Fight ([link removed])
James Howard Kunstler
** A Maverick, Literally ([link removed])
Eric Peters
** What Was Trump Thinking When He Appointed an Enemy To Head the FBI? ([link removed])
Paul Craig Roberts
** The FBI’s Forgotten Crimes Against Richard Jewell ([link removed])
James Bovard
** The Meaning of an Oath ([link removed])
Why Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn couldn’t become a US citizen.
** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* Speaking of California’s Wicked Government… ([link removed])
* “Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant” ([link removed])
* The Aftermath of a Coup ([link removed])
* Johnny Carson Nails Joe Biden — 1987 ([link removed])
* Given That Marxists Murdered Hundreds of Millions, Why Is Humanity Marxist? ([link removed])
* More Reports From the Trenches ([link removed])
* Antifa Is An Organization ([link removed])
* Who Rules America: A Century of Invisible Government ([link removed])
* President Trump Delivers Remarks at White House History Conference ([link removed])
* Nashville Mayor John Cooper is “The De Blasio of the South” ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])
** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* We have lost a real giant (Stephen F. Cohen has died) ([link removed])
* Another statue toppled, cathedral set on fire as desecration continues ([link removed])
* 1,000+ Doctors Come Out Against Covidism ([link removed])
* Now Priests Are Starting to Come Out Against the Covid Scam ([link removed])
* Some States Looking at Ankle Bracelets To Enforce Home Confinement ([link removed])
* Letter to Fr. James Fryar, FSSP, the pro-facemask priest ([link removed])
* The Great Jim Caviezel and His New Movie ([link removed])
* Taco Bell now womxn-focused ([link removed])
* Carolina Panthers Spanish-Language Broadcaster Resigns After Team Seeks To Censor His Support of Trump ([link removed])
* Australia Pushes New Measure To Detain Covid ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])
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