“I don’t think we should be moving on a nominee in the last year of this president’s term -- I would say that if it was a Republican president.” -- Senator Marco Rubio.
Below are more gems from Republican senators in 2016 that we need to hold them to as we fight like hell to honor RBG and save our democracy.
Please pass this to everyone you know -- especially those in the home states of these Republican senators (TX, SC, FL IA, NC, MO, CO, OH, GA, WI).
AND JOIN THOUSANDS ON THE EMERGENCY PETITION TO SENATORS: "Every Senator must publicly say: No confirmation until inauguration. Every Democrat must declare that if Republicans violate Ginsburg's wish (and their own stated principle from 2016), we will expand the Court if Democrats take power." Sign here and pass it on.
(You can also donate to top Democratic Senate candidates here.)
Thank you for honoring RBG.
-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)
Please sign the petition to Senators now: "Every Senator must publicly say: No confirmation until inauguration. Every Democrat must declare that if Republicans violate Ginsburg's wish (and their own stated principle from 2016), we will expand the Court if Democrats take power." Sign here and pass it on.
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