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McSally for Senate
Fellow Conservative, I wanted to give you a quick update.
We are only 37.9% of the way to reaching our mid-month goal. The deadline is tomorrow! I wanted to ask again – can you chip in to help us reach our goal? Contribute ANY amount before September 15th!
Arizona is hanging by a thread right now. We have been hammered by lies, smears, and millions in attack ads. Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer have made turning Arizona blue their top priority.
This is the top battleground in the nation. I’m ready for a fight to the finish, and with less than 55 days until Election Day, there is no way we can slow down. I need YOU, Fellow Conservative, to join the fight and show we’re ready to defend Arizona from a liberal takeover!

I can’t reach this goal without you! The future of the White House, the Senate, and the country is in YOUR hands. Please take immediate action today!
In Service,
Martha McSally




Paid for by McSally for Senate, Inc.

5080 NORTH 40TH ST, SUITE 265

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Biden 4 Never
6890 E. Sunrise Dr. Suite 120-137
Tucson Arizona 85750
United States

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