Survey: How can we count on your support to stop RBG's seat from going to another Trump extremist?

Dear John,

I know we are all feeling the deep loss of our hero — the great Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a warrior for equity and justice who never gave up.

She fought for all of us until her last days and hours on this earth.

We have watched with awe and gratitude, her clarity about the extent to which discrimination hurts us as a nation and more directly women and their families. We remember and honor her for her abhorrence for discrimination and her courage and willingness to always challenge it.

We are inspired by her legacy as a clarion voice for the rights of people who are historically left out of constitutional protections and are motivated by her philosophy that any kind of discrimination hurts us as a nation. Grounded in the law, she envisioned a nation where “equal justice for all” reached the farthest corners of American society.

In the model of her fierce determination, I assure you the National Partnership will fight to ensure the next appointee is someone who merits this position and will continue her legacy of moving us closer to realizing the promise of the constitutional values we cherish.

It won’t be easy, and we'll need your help.

Mitch McConnell is vowing to fill Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat with another Trump extremist. We urgently need to build-up our capacity to win this fight, because the alternative is just unthinkable.

Please take our brief survey to tell us how we can count on your support in the coming days and weeks!

Thank you,

— Debra

Debra Ness

1875 Connecticut Avenue NW
Suite 650
Washington, DC 20009
[email protected]

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