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Dear Friend,
Fierce, visionary, fearless, rigorous, peerless, and a mom. Notorious, even. We promise to live up to and honor the values Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought for. Will you join us?
Now is the time. With immeasurable sadness, America’s moms mourn this tremendous loss -- and we honor Justice Ginsburg by mobilizing and organizing. Her passing shows even more clearly what we already knew: Our votes are critically needed to protect our democracy and rights. The election season has started with early voting already underway in some states.
We need your contribution -- at any level $2.70, $27, $270 to $2,700 in honor of her 27 years on the U.S. Supreme Court because every single dollar has an amplified impact right now -- to help get out the mom vote in a BIG way to advance Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vision of a country where we can all live with dignity, count on equal opportunity, and have control over our reproductive health and lives.
We take very seriously our responsibility to advance her vision -- and to help do that, MomsRising is undertaking the biggest, boldest, highest impact mom voter turnout program we’ve ever done, reaching out to at least 3 million mom voters through texts, direct mail, calls, mom-to-mom communications, social media, and so much more. So many of you are volunteering to fuel this massive voter outreach effort. Thank you.
The passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a deep, painful, immense loss for the nation. Her contributions were greater than words can express and her legacy is a country that is more fair, more just, and more healthy for women and moms, people of color, and others whose rights have long been denied.
Justice Ginsburg was a trailblazer, a pioneer, a mom and grandmother, and a brilliant jurist whose body of work will live on and inspire us forever. She was rightly adored for her keen, unwavering commitment to justice.
Her memory will inspire us to continue the fight for justice and for the kind of nation Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg devoted her life to creating. She was a beacon of hope, a light for justice, and she will inspire generations to come. As we pick up the pieces of our broken hearts, we'll continue fighting for justice in the big notorious ways she would have wanted.
As our hearts are breaking, our resolve is redoubled -- and we are so thankful to be in this fight for justice and opportunity with you.
- Amber, Anita, Aryan, Beatriz, Beth, Casey, Christina, Claudia, Diarra, Diana, Donna, dream, Elyssa, Felicia, Gloria, Hanna, Jessica, Jordan, Joy, Julia, Karen, Keisha, Kelle, Kristin, Linda, Lisa, Lucerecer, Maggie, Marysol, Monifa, Nadia, Nancy, Nate, Nina, Rocío, Rosie, Ruby, Ruth, Sara, Shanette, Sheila, Sili, Sue Anne, Tasmiha, Taylor, Tina, Tola, and Xochitl
Register to vote! / ¡Regístrese para votar!
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