Democrats cannot flip the Senate without winning in Arizona, but the race is even more important now as the GOP rushes to replace Justice Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Here’s why, John:

Arizona’s Senate race this year is a special election to replace John McCain — which means if Mark Kelly wins, he could be able to take office as soon as November 30th.

With Mark Kelly in the Senate this year, it will make it much harder for McConnell to ram through Trump’s Supreme Court nominee after the election.

Here’s the problem though: the polls are tightening in Arizona with one recent A-rated pollster showing the race statistically tied at 49-48%.

Republican groups have spent tens of millions of dollars attacking Mark Kelly and these attacks may be taking a real toll. With so much on the line, we need to double our efforts to take back the Senate right now:

We’ve asked a lot today, but that’s how important this moment is right now. Can we count on you to rush a donation immediately to help elect key Democrats like Mark Kelly to the Senate and stop Mitch McConnell from confirming another Trump Supreme Court nominee?

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Thanks for all you’ve done today. This has been a difficult 24 hours, but the incredible response from grassroots Democrats has filled us with hope. We can win this.

— Flip the Senate