You likely know by now that last night Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away.
A legend on the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg was a tireless advocate for equality. From gender discrimination to women's health to voting rights, the notorious RBG (as her friends and supporters often called her) never backed down in fighting for what is right.
Even in her final days, she couldn't just focus on her condition. She kept her eyes on the future and dictated a final wish to her granddaughter in the hope leaders in Washington would listen:
"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed"
Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell will not listen to Justice Ginsberg. They're desperate to change the subject from over 200,000 Convid-19 deaths and counting to a battle over the next Justice. But you know who they might listen to?
YOU! Okay, to be clear, not really you... it's more, your money.
The only thing that will make Mitch McConnell think twice about forcing the confirmation of a third Trump nominated Justice on to the Court is if he thinks it will cost Republicans their majority control of the Senate.
That means today, immediately, right now, we need to explode donations to Democrats challenging at risk Senate Republicans across this country. DFA members are working hard online, on-the-phone, and on-the-ground in-district to win. Whether you have the resources to contribute to DFA's campaign and only one candidate below or all of them, every single dollar donated today will send a message to Republicans they won't be able to miss.
This is the top list. Vulnerable Republican Senators Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Joni Ernst, Thom Tillis and Kelly Loeffler will be paying close attention to what happens this weekend.
With every single one of these Republicans behind, tied, or with-in the margin of error in the most recent polling, you can bet they aren't ready to just automatically follow Mitch McConnell to confirm another Justice if it will cost them their seat.
Let's give Republican Senators as much motivation as possible to honor Justice Ginsburg's last wish by funding progressive Senate candidates who can defeat them.
In the face of the tragic loss of an American hero, at least this action is a win-win.
Stay safe, but don't ever stop fighting for change.
Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America