Hi John,
I know that today we're all grieving a deep, collective loss in the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I truly believe we're also grieving the potential loss of so many other rights as conservatives seek to fill the Supreme Court vacancy before we've even had a chance to mourn.
I've been a part of the Emerge network for over five years now and if there's one things I know, it's that our Emergistas care deeply about our community and fight passionately throughout their campaigns to make sure that the bench is stacked for more women in office, including our judicial seats.
In her final words to her granddaughter, RBG said, “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." Her last thoughts were of us and making sure we are protected- a wish I know any one of our Emerge women would have made.
I believe in us. I'm ready to fight harder than ever to continue her legacy and I need you to continue this fight with me.
Here's my ask: Nominate a woman or gender non-binary individual to become a part of the Emerge New Mexico class of 2021. Or, apply for our program yourself! Are you ready to run? We are New Mexico’s only premier candidate training organization for Democratic women. For more than 14 years Emerge New Mexico has been successfully training women on how to run a winning race. There are over 48 Emerge women in elected or appointed office in New Mexico. We need you to become the next.
Strong, fierce women in office- help us keep the legacy alive!
I believe in us,
Marianna Anaya
President, Emerge New Mexico

Empowering Democratic women to run - and win!
Paid for by Emerge New Mexico
500 Marquette Ave. NW Suite 280
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Contributions to Emerge NM are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Emerge NM is a 527 political organization and not a PAC. Emerge NM does not endorse candidates and does not make contributions to, or coordinate its spending with, any candidates or political parties.
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