
Yesterday, we learned that Supreme Court justice, legal trailblazer, and champion for equality, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, passed away.

It was a gut punch. I'm truly at a loss -- it's hard to find the words for what Justice Ginsburg meant to us, to the women and working moms like me she inspired, to the folks whose civil rights she guarded, to all of us who looked up to her. Today, we mourn. But we also recommit to working hard to honor her legacy.

I'm sad for Justice Ginsburg's family, for everyone who looked up to her, and for our country. Quite frankly, I'm also furious. I'm furious that decades after Justice Ginsburg first fought for equality, we're still having those same fights today.

So much is at stake. So yes, I'm furious and I'm sad, but I'm also getting back to work. Justice Ginsburg dedicated her life to making the world a more equitable place -- she never backed down from a fight. It's on us to carry her fights forward.

Let's fight for Justice Ginsburg,


P.S. When we win in Iowa, we'll take back the U.S. Senate. Click here to get involved with our race right now.


PO Box 685, Des Moines, IA 50303
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