Last night, America lost a giant. She stood just an inch over five feet, but Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a towering force in our nation for decades.

She died on the first evening of Rosh Hashanah—the Jewish New Year. In her Jewish tradition, one who dies on Rosh Hashanah is considered a tzaddik, "a person of great righteousness."

And she was.

She was also a fierce champion for justice, righting historic wrongs, and standing up for the underdog against the powerful. We must fight for and advance her legacy.

Shamefully, less than an hour after news broke of her death, Mitch McConnell called for a vote on a Trump-appointed replacement. We can't let that happen.

If we are to have any chance of ensuring that Justice Ginsburg's successor shares her values, we must take back the U.S. Senate.

We can do that by supporting those who are working eighty-hour weeks organizing volunteers, driving the vote, and making our victories in 2020 possible.

Donate here to help do that by supporting the Blue Wave Project.

The Blue Wave Project is my project to support great Senate candidates and deliver last-minute support wherever it is needed in the fight to take back the Senate.

So much is at stake. Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance. Voting rights. The ability of employees and consumers to hold big corporations accountable for harm. And so much more.

The Court has become the most powerful nine-person legislative body in the world. There have been dozens and dozens of 5-4 decisions against the People and for the powerful. It must end. We cannot allow RBG to be replaced by a right-wing ideologue.

Donate right now like the future of our democracy is at stake. Because it is.

This is a time to mourn. But it is also a time to vote.

This is a time to weep. And it is also a time to organize.

Justice Ginsburg spent her life fighting for her values. Now, we will mourn her by fighting for those same values with everything we got.



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