…empty buses, empty playgrounds, and empty classrooms are the future. Learn how you can stop future generations from disappearing. 

Dear John,

I hope you are having a great weekend!  

As you know, God recently opened the door for Human Coalition to launch a new, life-affirming Telehealth Care Center in Cook County, Illinois. This is important because Cook County includes the city of Chicago, where abortion runs rampant. In fact, Chicago ranks fourth for the most abortion-dense cities in the nation.

In a recent email, I shared the exciting news that the initial $500,000 Matching Grant was met in FULL – thanks to generous supporters, like you. We are so grateful to you for stepping up and fighting back against the abortion industry! It's inspiring to see how you're defending preborn children from the culture of death in America.

But, there is still an urgent need: if an additional $500,000 can be raised, the new Chicago Telehealth Care Center will be able to rescue almost THREE times as many children.

One family was so encouraged by this opportunity, that they have generously offered an additional $500,000 Challenge Grant to fuel the momentum and further accelerate the rescue of children. That means every gift you give until September 30 still makes DOUBLE the lifesaving impact. 

You are so faithful in your support of the mission to end abortion. And because you are, I wanted to let you know that there's still quite a way to go towards reaching the new $500,000 Challenge Grant goal.

Will you consider giving a gift to help reach the $500,000 goal and accelerate the rescue even more TODAY? www.humancoalition.org/rescue-future-generations

The abortion industry and Planned Parenthood have a history of taking advantage of challenging circumstances to spread their deadly message. And the COVID-19 pandemic has been no different. They are targeting vulnerable moms with increased aggression. They are pushing remote abortions harder than ever. And they are increasing their influence across the country. Even more so with the upcoming election in November. 

Now, consider the fact that every 30 seconds, another child is killed by abortion. Can you imagine how many empty classrooms that number represents since 1973? Empty buses? Empty playgrounds?

Make no mistake: generations have been lost in abortion clinics across our nation. It’s heartbreaking to think about.  

That’s why the opportunity to serve the Chicago community is so important. A Telehealth Care Center in this community will accelerate the rescue of preborn children because the need there is so great. 

Your gift RIGHT NOW will make TWICE the impact to rescue preborn children from abortion. And that’s TWICE the lifesaving impact to rescue future generations of children.www.humancoalition.org/rescue-future-generations

But you must give by September 30 to take advantage of this limited-time opportunity.

The Challenge Grant automatically DOUBLES the impact of every dollar you give. A gift of $50, when paired with the grant, automatically DOUBLES to have $100 worth of impact. 

Future generations of children are counting on YOU to be their voice. They are counting on YOU to shine light into the darkness. They are counting on YOU to be a source of hope for their moms. They are counting on YOU for… rescue… for life itself. 

John: Will you give TODAY to accelerate the rescue of children and make an impact that will last generations? www.humancoalition.org/rescue-future-generations

You are a blessing and source of hope to so many families! Especially during what has been an incredibly unpredictable year.  

For Life,

Brian Fisher

P.S. — Don’t forget - the deadline to make TWICE the impact is September 30. Please don’t let this opportunity pass. Innocent lives… future generations of children are on the line! www.humancoalition.org/rescue-future-generations

Yes, I Will Accelerate the Rescue →
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