Mere minutes after the tragic passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Senate Republicans couldn't resist issuing despicable responses.

Dear MoveOn member,

Mere minutes after the tragic passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Senate Republicans couldn't resist issuing despicable responses.

Mitch McConnell practically gloated, saying, "President Trump's nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate."1 And Ted Cruz—whom Trump is considering naming to fill Ginsburg's seat—went on Sean Hannity's show to urge Trump to nominate a new justice "next week."2

But hope is NOT lost.

In her final days, Justice Ginsburg shared this message: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed."3 MoveOn is launching a massive, nationwide emergency campaign with our allies to ensure that Justice Ginsburg's final wish is made reality, and you can read more about our plan below. But we can't execute this emergency campaign without your help.

With the election already underway, we are facing an absolutely urgent time crunch. Will you chip in $3 a week to power our emergency campaign to protect Justice Ginsburg's legacy and ensure that McConnell and the GOP don't steal a Supreme Court seat—and keep it going for as long as it takes? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation to your credit card once a month starting today and will contact you shortly after the election to see if you want to modify or cancel your weekly donation.)

Count me in.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

Last night, after the news of Justice Ginsburg's passing broke, MoveOn staff dropped what we were doing to come together and mourn our nation's loss, to remember Justice Ginsburg's brilliant and inspiring leadership, and to design a strategy to save the Supreme Court.

Here's our plan—and our reason for hope.

Currently, Democrats hold 47 seats in the Senate, meaning we must pressure only four Republican senators to cross the aisle and oppose holding any confirmation hearings or vote on a nominee until after the next president is inaugurated.

The good news is that several Republican senators have already said they oppose confirming a new justice before the election.

Earlier this month, GOP senator Susan Collins said confirming a justice at this time would be "too close" to the election.4 And on Friday, hours before Justice Ginsburg's passing, GOP senator Lisa Murkowski said she "would not vote to confirm a Supreme Court nominee" before the votes are counted.5

We're launching an all-hands-on-deck nationwide grassroots effort to hold Collins and Murkowski's feet to the fire and ensure they stick to their word. And we're also launching a no-holds-barred campaign to pressure vulnerable Republican senators—like Lindsey Graham, who chairs the Judiciary Committee—to join them and block the nomination of a partisan, far-right nominee to the nation's highest court until after the election.

Whether it's running TV ads to blanket the airwaves in the home states of critical swing senators, calling for protests and demonstrations at Senate offices, overloading the phone lines in the Senate, covering our targeted senators' home states with billboards, or something else, we will do everything we can to protect the Supreme Court. With a wannabe fascist authoritarian in the White House, saving the nation's highest court could not be more important.

John, we've defeated Trump and McConnell in a fight like this before. Remember when we came together to do the unthinkable and pressured Republican senators to save the Affordable Care Act? We can do that again.

We can win the fight to save the Supreme Court. But we can do so ONLY with your help.

We'll be frank: Our resources are already tied up in the essential work of defeating Trump and flipping the Senate, and our budget did not account for a nationwide emergency campaign of this scale after voting in the election had already started.

If you've been waiting to get involved, this is the moment. If you've already been working hard, this is the moment to dig deeper. Will you chip in $3 a week to help us win this fight? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation to your credit card once a month starting today and will contact you shortly after the election to see if you want to modify or cancel your weekly donation.)

Count me in.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

Thanks for all you do.

–Rahna, Ann, Seth, Kenia, and the rest of the team


1. "McConnell vows Trump's nominee to replace Ginsburg will get Senate vote, setting up historic fight," CNN, September 19, 2020

2. "Cruz: Trump should nominate a Supreme Court justice next week," The Hill, September 18, 2020

3. "Ginsburg's wish: 'I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,'" Politico, September 18, 2020

4. "What we know about a possible Senate vote to replace Justice Ginsburg," Vox, September 18, 2020

5. Ibid.

Want to support our work? As Robert Reich says, "No organization in America has a better track record of success in developing cutting-edge strategies to get out the vote and win elections than MoveOn." But it will take each of us doing our part to defeat Trump and flip the Senate!

Will you chip in $3 a week to help MoveOn combat right-wing lies, make sure every vote is counted, and win this election?

Count me in.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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