I'm thinking of Justice Ginsburg's family, and I join the millions mourning her passing. I am overwhelmed with grief and extraordinary gratitude.

Julie Oliver for Congress

Team, our country has suffered a tremendous loss. 

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a pioneer of gender equality and of jurisprudence that centered opportunity and equity for the most marginalized Americans. She leaves behind an unparalleled legacy that will be cherished through the generations.

I'm thinking of Justice Ginsburg's family, and I join the millions mourning her passing. I am overwhelmed with grief and extraordinary gratitude.

I remember telling folks as recently as two days ago, that every one of us has to vote this year so that we can flip districts like ours, take back the Senate, elect Joe Biden, and allow Justice Ginsburg to spend time with her family. Instead, she spent her very last days fighting for all of us. 

Yes, I am devastated. We all are. But Justice Ginsburg's legacy and her example inspire me to continue to undertake the fight of our lives — the fight for justice and equality. There is no more important responsibility that we all, as citizens, now share. 

As Justice Ginsburg once said, "Waste no time on anger, regret, or resentment, just get the job done." 

Keep fighting, 
