This is the spirit of the movement—to mourn with action. We all feel the weight on our shoulders. But we bear it together, and that’s how we win.


I’ll be honest—I felt numb when I got the news. As report after report confirmed that Justice Ginsberg had passed I felt a weight begin to crush my chest. It was the weight of losing a fighter for justice of course, but it was made heavier knowing what would happen next: that powerful Republicans like Mitch McConnell would waste no time rushing a confirmation.

My heart sank, reckoning with what we’d all lose, the basic rights that were a struggle to win could be ripped away. But I turned to this movement and felt that weight lift. I watched members from across the country jump into action. Some of you started planning actions, some of you signed and shared petitions, and many of you reached out to hold each other through the grief.

This is the spirit of the movement—to mourn with action. We all feel the weight on our shoulders. But we bear it together, and that’s how we win.

There are many ways to take action today but if you can only do one, make it this:

Use this automated tool to call your Senator and tell them to honor the precedent set in 2016: demand they delay a vote confirming a new Supreme Court Justice until after the election.

We made it as quick and simple as possible: just plug in your information, including your zip code and get patched through via your phone to your Senators’ offices.

Mitch McConnell isn’t wasting time—neither can we. Make the calls and be sure to share the tool with your friends and family.

In solidarity,

Aracely Jimenez, Deputy Communications Director