When presented with research that vaccines are safe, effective, and necessary, folks who are against vaccines often try and argue that those vaccine studies can't be trusted because they are funded by Big Pharma.

Although funding bias is a real thing, funding sources and conflicts of interest are ideally disclosed in studies so that their results can be trusted.

But why would you ever allow vaccine manufacturers to fund their own studies if they could possibly cause any kind of bias or lead to financial conflicts of interest?

"Information about trial funding and support is important in helping readers to identify potential conflicts of interest. Authors should identify and describe all sources of monetary or material support for the trial, including salary support for trial investigators and resources provided or donated for any phase of the trial (e.g. space, intervention materials, assessment tools). Authors should report the name of the persons or entities supported, the name of the funder, and the award number. They should also specifically state if these sources had any role in the design, conduct, analysis, and reporting of the trial, and the nature of any involvement or influence. If funders had no involvement or influence, authors should specifically report this"

Sources of funding and other support, role of funders

In some cases, those studies simply have to be done and someone has to pay for them, so they are done in a way to reduce bias and conflicts of interest as much as possible.

Where Are the Vaccine Studies That Aren't Funded by Big Pharma?

But aren't there other people besides the vaccine manufacturers that can pay for these studies?


And that's why we see so many vaccine safety studies sponsored by public health agencies, advocacy groups, and philanthropy associations.

The Medicines Control Agency (MCA), now known as the the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK, funded this study about autism and MMR vaccines.
The Medicines Control Agency (MCA), now known as the the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK, funded this study about autism and MMR vaccines.

Here are some of those vaccine studies (special thanks to Jesse Noar for starting this list some time ago) that were not funded by Big Pharma...

These studies were funded by wide variety of health organizations and programs and were done all over the world, and basically come to the same conclusions, that vaccines are safe, with few risks.

PRISM, Mini-Sentinel, the Vaccine Safety Datalink.

Several post-licensure vaccine safety systems at the CDC and FDA monitor for safety issues, including VAERS, the Vaccine Safety Datalink, PRISM, Mini-Sentinel, and the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Project, in addition to other global vaccine safety systems.

Were you aware that these programs are in place to fund continued research into vaccine safety after vaccines have been developed and approved?

The Vaccine Studies That Aren't Funded by Big Pharma

Unfortunately, that some of these studies are funded by the CDC and organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and not vaccine manufacturers might not reassure some folks who argue against vaccines.

But what about the fact that many studies are funded by health organizations in countries all over the world - UK, Peru, Japan, Australia, Sweden, etc.?

And the fact that there are researchers in all of these countries doing these studies!

Are they all in on some global conspiracy about vaccines?

All except the handful that put out poorly done research that is funded by groups who are against vaccines that fills up the binders of folks who are looking for a reason to justify why they aren't vaccinating and protecting their kids???

More on the Vaccine Safety Studies