Hello —

Last night, we lost a giant of the law, a pioneer for women, a champion for equality and justice, and someone who never stopped fighting for good: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Justice Ginsburg lived an inspiring and historic life, and her work has shaped America for the better. As a woman, and especially as an openly lesbian woman, I join so many others who will not allow her legacy to be diminished or disrespected. This loss feels personal.

If this was a normal time, with political leaders we could trust, our country would pause together to mourn such a tragic loss. But these are not normal times.

Within hours of her passing, Mitch McConnell wasted no time ignoring her dying wish to ‘not be replaced until a new president is installed’ and plotting to stack the court with radical right-wing justices — even promising, "Trump's nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate."

Remember, McConnell refused to even hold a vote on President Obama’s nominee following the death of Justice Scalia, saying the "American people should have a voice in the selection" of the next Supreme Court Justice.

Well, Leader McConnell, people are already voting. It’s no longer the ‘run-up to the election’ — it is the election. And I believe he should stand by the precedent he created himself in 2016.

I have no reason to believe Senate Republicans won’t try to ram through an ultra-conservative Supreme Court nominee just weeks — or even days — before November 3. Which means we need to move quickly.

Add your name to my emergency petition and demand Trump and McConnell agree not to nominate or confirm any nominee to the Supreme Court before Inauguration Day:


The closing weeks of this election were always going to be intense. Now, the importance of our work has increased tenfold. I know that you’ll be with us as we continue our work — in the same vein Justice Ginsburg continued hers.

It’s up to us to take up the mantle and carry on her legacy.


— Tammy