Ruth Bader Ginsburg showed us the way.

Stephen Daniel for Congress 2020


The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an incalculable loss. But her life’s work, and her legacy, show us the way forward.

Mitch McConnell has already vowed to replace Justice Ginsburg with a Trump nominee, and Republicans have the majority in the Senate. It is hard not to feel powerlessness and grief right now. But Justice Ginsburg knew a thing or two about being in the minority.

“So that’s the dissenter’s hope: that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow.”
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Trump and McConnell are in power today. But we can dissent by organizing for tomorrow. This election is the most important of our lifetimes. We need to fight like hell to get out the vote. That’s why we are asking you to join us and sign a pledge to register and turn out at least three new voters by Election Day:


Ruth Bader Ginsburg kept fighting for equality, justice, and a better future until the very end. She looked adversity in the eye and she never gave up, never wavered, and never stopped working for change. It’s on us to pick up where she left off, continue the work, and turn dissent into a better tomorrow.

Click here to take the pledge to register and turn out three new voters >>>

Let’s get to work,

Stephen Daniel



Stephen Daniel is the Democratic Nominee for Congress in TX-06 to unseat Ron Wright. Stephen understands we deserve a leader in Congress who shares that vision: a community where opportunity is available for young and old and where hard work is rewarded. Please join him by making a donation to his campaign today.