March On Pac

Statement on the Passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

March On is utterly bereft at the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was a giant of intellect and compassion during her 27 years on the court. She defended truth and justice without fail and paved the way for women, and this day marks an incalculable loss to our country.

As Justice Ginsburg said in her last statement, her most fervent wish was that she would not be replaced until the American people could have a say in the upcoming presidential election—a wish that must come true if Senator Mitch McConnell follows his own code of ethics. As Senator McConnell said nine months before the 2016 election, “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court justice.” Today, just 46 days before one of the most momentous presidential elections in American history, March On calls on the Senate—and all senators of honor—to uphold that same standard.

As we mourn, we must honor Justice Ginsburg’s legacy while drawing power from the urgency of this moment. American democracy hangs in the balance, and we will fight for it as Justice Ginsburg taught us. Today, we ask that every person reading this commit to fighting and sacrificing, even at great cost, to protect the democracy she defended every day of her life.

Keep fighting forward.


Thank you for supporting MARCH ON PAC. Our Women-Led Team is working day-and-night to register and turnout millions of voters this year to Hold the House, Take Back the Senate, and Kick Trump out of the White House for GOOD.

In 2017, we marched for women’s rights. In 2018, we rallied for gun reform, marched on the polls, and elected the most progressive House in history. In 2019, we went on strike for the climate. In 2020, we’ll vote for a future built on racial and economic justice and an end to government corruption. We will reject the politics of hate and the patterns of racism that threaten our democracy, turning the pain of economic and social division into action.
Together, we will vote for the future we want.

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From the entire MARCH ON Team -- thank you for your support!