Folks, last night we lost a giant. A trailblazer. A champion of equality and justice.

Our hearts ache for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Today, we will honor her memory by preserving the very ideals she fought so tirelessly for -- and fighting for her legacy.

Within hours of her passing, Mitch McConnell promised, "Trump's nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate." He wasted no time plotting to stack the Supreme Court with ultra-conservative justices.

Let us not forget that in 2016, less than 2 hours following Justice Scalia’s death, Mitch McConnell said, “this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president."

The blatant hypocrisy is infuriating -- it’s now more important than ever that we flip the Senate and remove Mitch McConnell from power on Election Day.

So much is at stake -- there’s no doubt Donald Trump will nominate someone who is willing to do his bidding to overturn the Affordable Care Act, Roe v. Wade, protections for immigrants, and more. We cannot -- and will not -- let them win.

The most important thing we can do right now is to elect a Democratic Senate Majority that will appoint a Supreme Court Justice who believes in equality and the rule of law. We must turn our heartbreak and anger into action.

There are 8 competitive Senate races across the country that Democrats have a real shot at winning -- 8 seats we can flip to take back the Senate majority, to preserve the rule of law, and continue the fight for equality and justice.

Folks, split a contribution of any amount to me, Jaime Harrison in South Carolina, Mark Kelly in Arizona, Sara Gideon in Maine, Steve Bullock in Montana, Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, John Hickenlooper in Colorado, Jon Ossoff in Georgia, and Cal Cunningham in North Carolina:

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