Dear John,
All of us at Physicians for Reproductive Health share in deep grief with our supporters and partners across the reproductive health, rights, and justice movements in mourning the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
A lifelong champion of justice, Justice Ginsburg demonstrated fearlessness in her life and in her work that made our country more equitable.
We join in the collective concern for what this means for access to abortion care as anti-abortion politicians continue to destroy access to essential health care across the country on both state and federal levels. Just this year the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision joined by Justice Ginsburg, affirmed that restrictions on access to abortion care are unconstitutional.
Justice Ginsburg’s last wishes were to not be replaced until a new president is installed. We join in these wishes for the sake of what is right and just for all of us.
In partnership with you, we honor her legacy by continuing our advocacy for compassionate, evidence-based reproductive care.
Our country has lost a great leader in social justice movements but we have not lost our passion for achieving reproductive freedom.
Kristyn Brandi, MD
Board Chair