Just minutes after learning of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death, Mitch McConnell announced his intention to immediately bring Donald Trump's next Supreme Court nominee before the Senate for a vote.

Let me be clear: McConnell is strip-mining the Constitution for every last ounce of power he can, regardless of the damage he leaves behind.

For four years, Donald Trump has used the power of his office to trample on our nation's constitution and undermine the rule of law to benefit himself and his cronies. Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have backed him up every step of the way, rubber-stamping extremist judicial nominees to stack the bench of every court in the country.

I will do everything in my power to stop him in the Senate. But the surest way to stop him is at the ballot box in November. Not just to simply defeat Trump and McConnell, but to end the shameless, cynical Republican majority that gives them their power.

The case for retaking the Senate has never been stronger. But we're in for an ugly fight, and we've got to show up with everything we've got. Please contribute $3 now to build this movement and end the Trump-McConnell regime.

The death of Justice Ginsburg is a national tragedy, and as a nation, we mourn her loss.

But she was also one of our fiercest defenders of fairness and truth: a tough, principled fighter against those – like McConnell, like Trump – who exempt themselves from the laws they took an oath to protect.

I will fight like hell to keep McConnell from exploiting Justice Ginsburg's memory as he grinds everything she stood for under his heel in a desperate scheme to cling to power.

Our grassroots movement has the power to end Mitch McConnell's ruthless abuse of our Constitution. We've got to do everything we can to get our message out: hire organizers, make phone calls, inform voters, monitor polls, and ensure that in January, we send a dedicated, honorable, compassionate, and honest majority to the Senate.

Chip in now to fuel the fight and take back the Senate in November.

As always, I'm honored to fight by your side.


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