John —

Last night, news broke: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — a champion of gender equality — passed away at the age of 87 yesterday. 

If this was a normal time, with normal political leaders we could trust to do the right thing, our country would pause together to mourn the loss of this historic figure in American history. 

But these are not normal times. 

Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have said they would replace a Supreme Court Justice this year even after they blocked Democrats from nominating Merrick Garland in 2016. 

Just last week, Trump released the most far-right list of potential Supreme Court nominees imaginable — including right-wing politicians like Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton. Cotton immediately tweeted his support for outlawing Roe v. Wade

Those are the stakes today. We have no reason to believe that Republicans won’t break another norm and try to ram a radical Supreme Court nominee through the Senate just weeks or even days before the election. 

We have to fight back and we have to do it now. Add your name to our emergency petition and demand Trump and McConnell agree not to nominate or confirm any nominee to the Supreme Court this year. Voters should decide in November:

sign the petition

Thank you for taking action today. We will be in touch as soon as possible with more as this situation progresses. Today, we need you to fight and do everything you can. 

Thank you, 

— Flip the Senate 

sign the petition