Grassley Direct

I spoke with Joe Lancello at KBOE in Oskaloosa and Dale Wegner with the Sac Sun in Sac City. We discussed Big 10 football, the biofuels industry and government oversight.

Q&A: Good News for Biofuels


Q. What action did the Trump administration take to boost biofuels?

Q. What changes are underway for E-15 at the pump?

Quick Links

Senator Ernst and I have long called for ending so-called hardship exemptions for big oil companies. I’m glad the EPA is finally listening to our feedback and common sense from farmers and biofuel producers.

The derecho devastated our economy just as we were beginning to recover from the pandemic. Iowans will undoubtedly overcome these hardships just as they always do, but they also deserve help.

I’m working with Senator Ernst on a bipartisan bill to provide tax relief for Iowans impacted by the derecho. We’re also urging USDA to help address the unmet recovery needs of our agriculture community and for the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission to investigate possible price-gouging and scams targeting Iowans.

Post of the Week


An early morning birthday surprise (dq ice cream cake) from Senator Ernst. Thx Joni! youre a gr8 partner for me as we serve Iowans together in the US Senate

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