Battle for the Soul of the Nation?

The battle for the soul of the nation—I came across this phrase the other day, and I instantly clicked on the link, expecting to read something profound and deeply spiritual. Imagine my disappointment when I realized it was only the slogan for the Biden/Harris presidential campaign.
This did get me thinking, though. There is indeed a battle for the souls in our nation. And it is inherently deeply spiritual—not political—though we certainly see it playing out in the political arena.
Our spiritual enemy is very real and exists to spread darkness over light, master lies over truth, sow seeds of discord instead of peace, create confusion where there was once clarity, burn to ash what was once beautiful, gleefully seize upon disunity in place of unity, declare what is wrong right, enslave those who were free, and seek death over life. We all see this in our own lives and in the nation as a whole.
But as the family of Christ, we already know the end of the story—this enemy is defeated. Christ has already won the spiritual battle through His perfect life, death, and resurrection. He is Light, Truth and the Prince of Peace. He is a God of order and wisdom who trades ashes for beauty. He calls us to be one in Him, and only He has the authority to declare what is right. He sets captives free. And, He has defeated death once and for all, for all of us who trust in Him.
Biden and Harris have it wrong—the spiritual battle has already been won, and that certainly wasn’t the work of any political leader.
But in one sense, they’re also right. As the spiritual battle plays out in the political arena in 2020, there are real battle lines and completely divergent beliefs held by the candidates that could lead our country in very different directions.
There is truth vs. lies
One side of the political debate believes that a boy or man who says he feels like a girl can be a girl—and that he can take girls’ spots on their sports teams or share their showers with them at school. They call those who disagree “bigots” or “haters.” But the truth is, no matter how many hormones he takes or life-altering surgeries he has, a man cannot be a girl. And a man cannot become a girl no matter how many politicians declare it to be so. So, on election day, will we stand for the truth, or for a mountain of lies?
There is right vs. wrong
One side of the political debate believes that children should not be free to pray or express their Christian beliefs in school. This same side believes that healthcare professionals should be forced to participate in abortions or “gender transition surgeries” even on children—regardless of whether the procedure is in the child’s best interest or against the professional’s faith. Yet, for a believer, prayer is like breathing, and our obedience to God’s Word must come before any politician’s agenda. On November 3rd will we pursue right or wrong?
There is freedom vs. captivity
One side of the political debate works hard to hold men and women captive to a sexual agenda that only leads to physical brokenness, mental and emotional anguish, and damaged relationships. Just ask our friend James Shupe who became the nation’s first legally-declared “non-binary man,” and has now found real freedom in Christ alone. Political decisions have real consequences in real lives. For the sake of our neighbor, I pray we choose freedom over captivity on election day.
There is life vs. death
And of course, one side of the political debate praises death as a “choice,” adding their stamp of approval as lives made in the image of God are destroyed in the womb. Political leaders truly hold life and death in their hands as they make decisions that further the devastation of Roe v. Wade or pass laws that save as many lives as possible. Even worse, Kamala Harris believes every state in the nation should get her “permission” to pass a pro-life law. For me, this decision is clearest of all. On November 3rd, I will choose life over death up and down the ticket.
As we prepare to vote this year, I pray you rejoice with Family Policy Alliance® that the spiritual battle has been won! We do not have to trust in or rely upon any political leader to defeat evil, “save the nation,” or save souls.
But I also pray that we recognize the battle lines that do have spiritual implications for ourselves and our American neighbors we are called to love. So when we vote, let us not vote for any particular political leader, but let us vote for truth, right, freedom and life.
For citizenship worthy of the Gospel of Christ,
 Autumn Leva Vice President of Strategy