In 2014, a study found that one in 25 people sentenced to death in the United States did not commit the crimes for which they were sentenced. Between 1973 and 2014, 144 people on death row were exonerated. This research suggests what many have feared: innocent people have been executed.
After a 16-year moratorium, U.S. Attorney General William Barr has ordered the federal government to resume its use of the death penalty. That's concerning, to say the least.

We know that:
Reinstating the death penalty means innocent people will likely be executed.
The death penalty is too often racist in its application.
A consensus of experts agree that the death penalty does not deter crime.
A growing number of courts have found that execution violates the Constitutional prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.
We cannot allow the Department of Justice to execute federal inmates in our name.
Add your name and join me in demanding that Attorney General Barr halt the federal government's use of capital punishment.
Thank you for standing with me,

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