Early voters in 23 states are receiving their ballots in a matter of days -- and the top House Republican just revealed his strategy to sway them at the last second.
McCarthy waited to release Republican’s “Commitment to America” until ballots were in the mail -- giving our Frontline Democrats less time to respond. This so-called “plan” glosses over Republicans’ disastrous record and attacks our House Democrats!
Our Frontline Democrats are already in the tightest races in the country -- and this could pull away crucial swing voters at the last second. Chip in to our emergency $10,000 goal now to directly empower our Democrats to respond before it’s too late!
John, McCarthy also just promoted 6 more challengers to the “Young Guns” program -- that makes a total of 27 “Young Guns” who have a serious shot at beating our Frontline Democrats and flipping the House red.
This new “Commitment to America” will give these challengers poll-tested talking points designed to sway undecided voters -- and the “Young Guns” program will signal GOP mega-donors to send them millions in dark money.
This is a one-two punch -- but grassroots donors saved us in 2018, and we can do it again in 2020 if we act now! Chip in to our $10,000 rapid response goal to give our Democrats a fighting chance >>
Voting has BEGUN -- we can’t wait any longer.
-- Hold the House