MavPAC Memo
Tampa Bay Relaunch
MavPAC's first in-person event since the start of the pandemic
Tampa Bay Relaunch
Congratulations to the Tampa Bay Chapter on a successful launch and a big thank you to Congressman Gus Bilirakis for joining us!

More in-person events are to be announced. Stay tuned for details!


On behalf of our Tampa Bay MavPAC Members, we would like to thank everyone who helped make our launch a success. To all members across the nation, keep up the good work and we look forward to being together again soon!
Tampa Bay Co-Chairs
Berny Jacques
Tyler Payne 
Audrey Henson
Sydney Ridley
Winners Will Be Announced Soon
This was the most nominations we have ever had!
Future40 Google - Justice Action Network
Election 2020 Fall Funding Round

It's time for our fall funding round, your last chance to vote on which 2020 campaigns receive our MavPAC endorsement along with a donation. Member Benefits: Active MavPAC Members will have the chance to vote. This benefit allows our network the chance to make an impact on who will lead America forward! If you are unsure of your status or would like to upgrade, please e-mail Lucas.

Be on the lookout for an email from our Membership Director Lucas White, with details on how YOU can vote!
Upcoming MavPAC Events
Stay tuned for more details

Sep. 24 @ 2PM EDT - MavTALK with Congressman Will Hurd
Top of October - Conservatives & the Environment with the American Conservation Coalition

Mid-October - MavTALK with Rep. Mike Waltz, former MavPAC Member and first Green Beret elected to Congress hosted by MavPAC Veterans Coalition
MavPAC Monthly Recap
Thank you to our MavTALK speakers who have graciously engaged with MavPAC members!
Aug 27th - South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem moderated by AshLee Strong

Aug 31st - The Paris Train Hero & candidate for Oregon's 4th district Alek Skalatos & Houston Chapter Leader Will Price 

Sep 8th - The Importance of Cybersecurity supported by Google with Rep. Mike Gallagher & Maria Giannopoulos

Sep 10th - Fight for the Future: Redistricting with Congressman Diaz-Balart & the National Republican Redistricting Trust's Executive Director Adam Kincaid
Please let us know other speakers you would like to hear from by emailing [email protected]
Welcome, Mavericks
We would like to send a warm welcome to Mavericks who've recently joined or renewed their membership!
MavPAC Members
MavPAC Merch Available Now!
New Merch Coming Soon!
Buy Now
A CALL TO ACTION: MavPAC has made a name for itself by the sheer strength of our members (YOU). As a Maverick, we encourage you to invite your friends to come to our open events and join our organization. The more high-quality members that we are able to engage, recruit, and develop, the bigger the impact our unique organization is going to have in Congress and on this country.
MavPAC Memberships
We want to hear from you! What should be on our radar?
Email tips to
 [email protected]
Paid for by Maverick PAC USA and not authorized by any candidate or committee.
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