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A virtual conversation:
Getting to the Point with Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer
Thursday, October 8, at 11:00 a.m. EST

Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court Stephen Breyer will participate in a moderated conversation about the increasingly vital role the Supreme Court plays as one of our three branches of government. In a discussion with Nina Totenberg, NPR's award-winning legal affairs correspondent, he will share how the Supreme Court provides checks and balances on the executive and legislative branches of government, how elections impact who is nominated to the bench and highlights of the Supreme Court’s important recent rulings.

Appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1994, Associate Justice Breyer has served for over two decades on the Supreme Court. He is known for being a pragmatic justice who weighs the real- life consequences of those affected by rulings. Associate Justice Breyer worked for Senator Edward M. Kennedy during his time as Special Counsel and Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee in the 1970s.

Getting to the Point with Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer will be held virtually on Zoom and registrants will receive a link to the program via email.  


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